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Join the MCA as an active member

Do you reside or own a business in the Marina?

Want to meet your neighbors?

Have a passion for making this a safe, inclusive and thriving community for everyone?

Then, the MCA is the neighborhood association for you.

REGULAR MEMBER – Resident: $25.00/year
COMMERCIAL MEMBER – Business: $25.00/year


If we’ve piqued your interest, below is our membership
form. Please fill out and submit payment via Paypal.

| $1 processing fee | households sign up members individually |

| membership automatically renews each year - you may turn off in PayPal |


We are a network of over 1000 active residents and business owners who take pride in their community. We get involved with important issues to help preserve and enhance the Marina’s beauty, neighborhood character, and quality of life; we encourage friendly association among the residents, property owners, and businesses in the Marina; we strive to inform Marina residents, property owners, and businesses of significant proposed changes and issues that might affect the Marina, and to serve as a representative of the Marina neighborhood in these matters; and we work to promote safety and security in the Marina. And we welcome your participation!

Payment includes $1 PayPal processing fees.

Membership will renew automatically each year. Cancel by notifying or through your PayPal account directly.


Volunteer opportunities with MCA committees to help take action in the Marina

 Access to our exclusive Newsletter full of important updates affecting the Marina.

Invitation to our annual Marina Family Fest held on the Marina Green

Vote in our elections and run for a MCA Board Member position. Access to the MCA Board of Directors to help drive Marina initiatives forward

Connection with a network of 1000 residents and business owners

Invitation to General Meetings and community events held within our neighborhood


Active members must pay annual dues and reside or own a business in the following geographic region.

Membership is open to anyone over 18 who is a legal resident, property owner, or San Francisco-licensed business in the Marina District, defined as the area bounded on the west by Lyon Street and a line extending the west curb line of Lyon Street through the property of the Palace of Fine Arts, and including those parcels fronting on Lyon street; on the south by Lombard Street, including those parcels fronting both sides of Lombard Street; on the east by Van Ness Avenue, including those parcels fronting the west side of Van Ness Avenue; and on the north by the southerly water edge of the Bay, from Lyon Street to an extension of the west curb line of Van Ness.



Help keep our neighborhood association operating and events organized.  There is no limit on the donation amount and we appreciate all the support. Click below to Donate!

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button


Please click here to download our dues form and send a $25 check (payable to MCA) along with your completed form for each person in your household who wishes to be a member to:

Marina Community Association – Membership
1517 North Point Street
Box # 465
San Francisco, CA 94123

1517 North Point St, # 465

San Francisco, CA 94123

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